Beach, please!✋🏻


Summer 2024 is HERE, and I don’t know about you, but BEACH (😉) I am ready!!! I know this season can bring on some stress with poolside parties, beach vacations, less clothing, wanting to be more active, added social gatherings…and THIS is where I COME IN to HELP. While most of us are ultimately shooting for an all around healthy, active, nutritious lifestyle throughout the entire entire year, life/work/family/social events get in the way and sometimes you just need a little nudge, some realistic/sustainable strategies, and a badass community to help push you in the right direction to create REAL LONG LASTING change.

For the entire month of May, I will be walking you through all of my tips, tricks, ins, and outs of how to work your way towards a healthier, fitter, stronger, and more confident YOU! I will teach you how to implement long term, maintainable habits that you can take with you anytime anywhere- regardless of season, event, or your social calendar, and I will be with you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY as we build a community of like minded members who support each other. 

Don’t wait any longer to get a jumpstart on your health. There’s never a “perfect” time… so let’s do this NOW and let’s do it TOGETHER!

Now is the time to take control of your life and SLAY this season! So grab your friends, grab your family, and LFG!!!!

RSN Run-Down
ALL THE THINGS you need to know for the May Challenge! A breakdown of all guidelines and details to getting your sh*t together!

Shopping Guide & RSN Brand Recommendations
A DETAILED breakdown of my top staples for fridge and pantry items including some of her favorite brand recommendations!

Accountability Checklist, Daily Planner, Progress Tracker (no scale necessary!)

Weekly Newsletters: Weekly inspo, objectives, tips and tricks, informational handouts to staying motivated!

Sample Meal Plans

Out to Eat, Snack, BID (built-in dessert), Macro/Micro Guides, a Protein-focused packet, Consistency Cheat Sheets, & more!

Exclusive Facebook Group Access: Let’s bond! This is your Challenge home- base! We use this space to connect with others, share our fave recipes, wins and losses, and ask questions! I will be checking in and sharing content here on the daily! *This is mandatory, so if you don’t have a FB account be sure to create one for this challenge!

Weekly Live Q+A’s where I will be answering all of YOUR questions! (Don’t worry if you can’t attend in real time, all lives will be saved to the FB page…I got you!)

RSN “office hours”! A 30 minute additional live every week where we riff it out in a casual setting with any questions, comments, and/or thoughts you’re ruminating about!

RSN APPROVED RECIPE BOOK by yours truly! My exclusive challenge cookbook of over 40+ recipes of my staple classics consisting of minimal ingredients and easy peasy directions! NEW RECIPES INCLUDED THIS MONTH!

And MORE! We have mini challenges, giveaways, additional hand outs/cheat sheets and so much more throughout the entirety of the month!

🖤 Feeling more in control of your eating schedule!

🖤 Less bloating!

🖤 Improved digestion & all-around gut health!

🖤 Better sleep quality!

🖤 Feeling more secure in your food choices in AND out of the house!

🖤 Community support & accountability!

🖤 Feeling organized and well-prepared in your day-to-day!

🖤 Improved energy levels!