Why a Health Coach?

There’s no sugar coating it: Building and sustaining a healthy lifestyle takes effort! BUT it doesn’t have to be hard, tedious, or feel like a punishment. Just like most things in life, time, patience, knowledge and conscious effort are KEY. I’m here to inform you, guide you, and help you to prioritize your time to make meeting your health goals easier, by making them an integral part of your everyday life. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day—it’s all about using that time EFFICIENTLY.

As your health coach, we will work together to find a unique diet and nutrition plan that suits both your body and your lifestyle, and help you find the tools to stick with it. We do not always wake up strong—we have to choose to be, every day. I’ll work with you to discover what motivates you, what works for you (and what doesn’t), and what can be easily integrated into your life. The best coaches teach you the skills to succeed on your own—and that’s my goal!

As with anyone trying to learn a new skill, commitment is everything! I’ll be with you every step of the way, holding you accountable, checking in, and pushing you like any good coach. All I ask from my clients is a true desire to make a change and being an active participant in creating the life that you desire!

Why Rachael Schwartz Nutrition?

Bottom line….I walk my talk! I transformed my life (and my body) and never looked back, and I want you to do the same. Through the changes I made and what I learned about my health and fitness needs, I had two children while working full time and was able to lose my weight healthily after both pregnancies within the first few months.

There is so much fluff out there. With all of the confusion from press, social media, false marketing and advertising ”eat real food,” “listen to your body.” If it was that easy there were be a lot more success out there then failure. Unfortunately, “real food” can be hard to define. I’ll show you what to shop for and how to cook it, prep it, and manage your food schedule overall to make eating well a total no-brainer and an easy part of your life.

Food is information; not all calories are created equal and not all people are going to thrive off of the same diet. We will personalize your diet to your body’s chemistry. Focusing on what to add into your diet as opposed to taking out. Positive energy towards what we’re eating is the first step to a better mindset. I am here to give you the real answers about the reality of losing weight, keeping it off, and changing your mentality from “diet” into “lifestyle.” 

The past is history, the future is unknown. What are you going to do TODAY to get yourself closer to who you want to be and how you want to feel? The only person standing in the way is you, so let’s do this!!